Thursday, May 19, 2011

Micing a Drum Kit

Good morning everyone! So today I am bringing you a great video I came across for micing drums. It shows us step by step the proper methods to get some of the best sound possible out of a kit. Remember, not all kits sound the same though! And the mics they are using are very expensive. Enjoy!

So there you have it! Detailed instructions on how to get a great studio sound out of a drum kit with micing them! Like always thanks for reading!


  1. wow great! i will try this in future - but i think you could need some experience in doing this to get quality sound..

  2. This is great! I've actually always wondered how they did this. It seemed liked you'd need a really great microphone.

  3. Interesting, finally i know how they do it. Hax!

  4. Really cool! id like to play drums like that

  5. wow...i dont think i could ever be good at drumming

  6. Awesome! I don't drum but my mother & best friend do..I will be certain to pass this info on to them. Thanks for sharing =]

  7. Looks pretty good. Getting the most out of drums can be quite difficult if you don't know what you are doing
